Lindsey Announces Metering Accuracy Underground Voltage Sensors
0.3% voltage accuracy allows for use in metering applications
October 29, 2021, Azusa, CA – Lindsey Systems’ line of ElbowSense™ voltage sensors are now available in a 0.3% metering accuracy version.
ElbowSense voltage sensors are available in standard IEEE Std 386 200A elbow and tee-body configurations, and as a voltage plug for 600A cable installations. The 0.3% metering class accuracy versions of the sensors are conveniently identified in the field by a gold-colored band placed around the sensor body.
“Lindsey’s ElbowSense voltage sensors have been used by utilities for over 20 years to provide accurate voltage measurements in pad-mount, metal clad, and submersible underground applications. The introduction of a 0.3% accuracy version of these sensors expands on their versatility, allowing for their use in metering applications. The higher accuracy provides enhanced benefits when used in renewable energy, Volt/Var, and protective relaying applications”, said Dr. Keith Lindsey, President.
All Lindsey Systems’ ElbowSense sensors are available with connectors or cast-in cables. The standard 0.5% accuracy version of the sensors will remain available. Both the 0.3% and 0.5% accuracy versions are available now.
For more information visit Lindsey’s Underground Sensors web page.
About Lindsey Systems
Lindsey Systems is recognized globally as an innovator in the electric power industry. As a supplier of systems, products, and product solutions for the transmission and distribution of electricity, Lindsey Systems enables utilities to meet the challenges of the modern-day electrical grid.
With 75 years of experience and a reputation as a thought leader in the industry, Lindsey Systems’ products are known around the world for reliability and performance.
Thoughtful Solutions in Transmission and Distribution
Lindsey is ISO-9001, ISO-14001 and CSA W47.2 Certified.
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