Enhancing FERC Order 1000 Competitiveness with Dynamic Line Rating
Inclusion of a Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) solution as part of a FERC 1000 transmission project can positively impact competitiveness and a developer’s bottom line.
1. Lower Line Construction Cost: Dynamic Line Rating systems typically reveal 10 – 25% additional capacity over a line’s static rating. When Dynamic Line Rating is integral to a line’s design, this capacity can be considered in the design phase, allowing for reduced line construction costs.
2. Incumbent Utility Advantage: An incumbent utility which has experience with Dynamic Line Rating on existing lines can use data from these lines to support the use of Dynamic Line Rating on a completive projects. While this logic can be used by non-incumbents, the incumbent utility will have the advantage of validating the Dynamic Line Rating capacity on their own system.
3. Qualification for Incentive Rates: Dynamic Line Rating is specifically identified by FERC as an advanced technology that would qualify a project for incentive rate treatment. This increases the developer’s bottom line.
For more information on how Dynamic Line Rating can improve your competitive transmission line proposals, contact Lindsey or download a short white paper covering this topic.